Wednesday, February 24, 2010


More of those Lil' Darlings. I suppose an apology is in order...

This one has breasts made of GLASS!

I know this has happened to at least.... one person?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Classics of American Sequential Art

I found these in a time capsule under my house. Attached was a note that simply read, "tacke car Of my komicks." Needless to say, they had to be posted online immediately! No one should take a poor speller seriously, even if they're dead!

Theme Party 2: The Quickening! Now with less of a theme!

The next three are the start of an at least six part series that, well frankly, began to bore me. Don't get me wrong, it's cute'n'all... but maybe it's TOO cute. You be the judge. Tell me to finish this series and I will... or I won't.

Random sketch pages make my face look happy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Raise your hand if you craved the dark powers today!

It's Valentine's Day! If you're single, you should drink a whole bottle of wine by yourself and cry until the tears come out your nose. Seriously... you're just horrible!
NEVER EVER interrupt bath time.
Ladies n' Gentlemen, I give you: "The Brown Dirt Cowboy"

"Royal Fish Feeding Time" (with apologies to Charles Barsotti.) Am I the only one who thinks this is funny?Last and most certainly least:

Monday, February 8, 2010

In which I attempt to discredit your findings...

"Portrait Of the Artist As A Pie Chart"

I imagine that, in the Animal Kingdom, being neutered is a lot like being a virgin: something you're okay with, but not okay enough to tell your buddies about on street corners in the cool of the evening while you snoop around for uneaten tuna.If anyone can figure out what I was going for with this one, tell me I'd like to know! It reminds me of freeverse poetry and Jazz... only stupid.

Life just wouldn't feel complete without hatred.Been watching a lot of HBO's The Wire lately. Also, the word "fuck" is utilized at least once herein so, if you don't like the word "fuck," maybe you shouldn't read this one.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sequential Sketch-Fest and Faces (finally)

At LONG LAST! Drawings!Find the two faces I like and win a cigar!
Complete nonsense spewed from somewhere silly and wretched. He's shooting bugs... that's the joke.
I hate that we sometimes have to devise complicated reasons for living.
Have you ever worked in a corporate setting? Most of the rules and guidelines they devise are either there because they believe people are the most fragile, helpless, self-important knuckleheads under the sun... or because they want their employees to go grey. And don't even get me started on corporate training. Some guy in a video from ten years ago talking about "greeting with a smile" makes me.... er.... NOT smile.